We are a local community of like minded people working to end human trafficking in Brevard County, Florida
We seek to bring change to a very big problem. Human trafficking is a multi-billion dollar industry where one human being profited off the exploitation of another, and Florida ranks third in the nation for this horrendous crime. Our vision is to fully fund and operate local safe houses to restore, rehabilitate and vocationally equip trafficking victims to start new lives in a safe and supportive environment.
Called Out was co-founded by Lori Dorr-Biddle and former member Carol Gracia in 2017 to effect change in human trafficking by providing education, prevention, and awareness in the pursuit of rescuing current victims and preventing victims of the future. As a Certified Nonprofit Professional (CNP) Lori’s heart for others, love for Christ, and background have exposed her to the world of human trafficking and its role in stealing lives on a global scale.
Her commitment to this cause is a lifelong one, having invested in her community for over 33 years through teaching, volunteering, and participating in programs for children with special needs. She has also trained with United Abolitionists as a public speaker and attended Florida’s Human Trafficking Summit for multiple years.

As a former Brevard County school teacher, co-founder Angie Norris saw firsthand the horrors of human trafficking whilst on a mission trip in 2012 to the Dominican Republic, where she was able to meet and work with rescued victims. This life-changing experience especially motivated her after she learned that human trafficking is one of the fasted growing crimes in the world.
With the goal of continually educating herself and others, Angie has the heart to empower her community to stop human trafficking from happening in her hometown. Her ultimate vision is to work with Called Out to help rescue victims in Brevard County, Florida, and to share her message of faith and hope in her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Called Out was formed by a small group of concerned mothers who feel that there is not enough being done to educate the public about the dangers of human trafficking. The numbers paint a grim picture: human trafficking is a $150 billion per year industry and it occurs in every single city in the USA. The average age of a trafficked victim is 12 to 15 years, and as of today, only about one percent of victims are ever rescued. Called Out works to effect change at the county, local, and state levels through speaking, fundraising, and educational events. We also work directly with survivors to create safe houses and help rebuild lives that have been impacted by this heinous industry.

Called Out Brevard works tirelessly to make the community aware of the dangers of human trafficking. Angie and Lori take advantage of every opportunity offered to them to speak at schools, churches, youth groups, women and men’s groups, and to mothers of preschoolers.

Actively working in the Life Recaptured safe house for women Lori Advocate Director Angie Lead Advocate Fully fund and operate a local Safe House to restore, rehabilitate and vocationally equip trafficking victims for a new to start at life.

It is deeply distressing to know that the Stae of Florida is ranked third nationwide for calls to human trafficking support centers.
Human trafficking is a $150 billion per year industry and is happening in every city.
The average age of trafficked victims is 12 – 15 years old.
Typically only 1% of victims are rescued, giving traffickers a 99% “success” rate. Table displays, provide Awareness. Children's events to show our support with family safety tips and handouts Trunk or Treat Christmas in the park.
Called Out was formed by a small group of concerned mothers who feel that there is not enough being done to educate the public about the dangers of human trafficking. The numbers paint a grim picture: human trafficking is a $150 billion per year industry and it occurs in every single city in the USA. The average age of a trafficked victim is 12 to 15 years, and as of today, only about one percent of victims are ever rescued. Called Out works to effect change at the county, local, and state levels through speaking, fundraising, and educational events. We also work directly with survivors to create safe houses and help rebuild lives that have been impacted by this heinous industry.
Thank you for helping us change a life!
Called Out, Inc., is a 501c(3) founded by three moms who wanted to fight human trafficking both educating both parents and kids about how to stay safe and providing survival resources to victims of trafficking.
Need help or more info? Call us at 321-543-2611.
Every minute, two children are sold into the $32B human trafficking trade. You can help victims today simply by adding Called Out, Inc., to your Amazon account. There is no cost and Amazon will donate .05% of your purchase to this cause.
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- Sign in to your Amazon account at smile.amazon.com.
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